package com.grailsinactionclass User { String loginId String password String homepage Date dateCreated static constraints = { loginId size: 3..20, unique: true, nullable: false password size: 6..8, nullable:false homepage url: true, nullable: true }}
package com.grailsinactionimport grails.test.mixin.integration.Integrationimport grails.transaction.*import spock.lang.*@Integration@Rollbackclass UserIntegrationSpec extends Specification { def setup() { } def cleanup() { } def "Saving our first user to the database"() { given: "A brand new user" def joe = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'secret', homepage: '') when: "the user is saved" then: "it saved successfully and can be found in the database" joe.errors.errorCount == 0 != null User.get( == joe.loginId } def "Updating a saved user changes its properties"() { given: "An existing user" def existingUser = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'secret', homepage: '') true) when: "A property is changed" def foundUser = User.get( foundUser.password = 'sesame' true) then: "The change is reflected in the database" User.get( == 'sesame' } def "Deleting an existing user removes it from the database"() { given: "An existing user" def user = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'secret', homepage: '') true) when: "The user is deleted" def foundUser = User.get( foundUser.delete(flush: true) then: "The user is removed from the database" !User.exists( } def "Saving a user with invalid properties causes an error"() { given: "A user which fails several field validations" def user = new User(loginId: 'Joe', password: 'tiny', homepage: 'not-a-url') when: "The user is validated" user.validate() then: user.hasErrors() "size.toosmall" == user.errors.getFieldError("password").code "tiny" == user.errors.getFieldError("password").rejectedValue "url.invalid" == user.errors.getFieldError("homepage").code "not-a-url" == user.errors.getFieldError("homepage").rejectedValue !user.errors.getFieldError("loginId") } def "Recovering from a failed save by fixing invalid properties"() { given: "A user that has invalid properties" def chuck = new User(loginId: 'chuck', password: 'tiny', homepage: 'not-a-url') assert == null assert chuck.hasErrors() when: "We fix the invalid properties" chuck.password = "fistfist" chuck.homepage = "" chuck.validate() then: "The user saves and validates fine" !chuck.hasErrors() } }